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All three _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _transient feet.

Q. What does the poet mean by smile through their hair?
A. The poet means by "smile through their hair" is that the poet's mother and her two sisters smiling and her long hair are fall on her face.

Q. What is the meaning of transient?
A. The dictionary meaning of transient is a person who stays or works in a particular place only for a short period of time. Then moves on.

Q. Mention the figure of speech which you observe in the last line of the stranger?
A. The figure of speech used here is Transferred epithet and alliteration. 

Some twenty thirty_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _loss.

Q. Why did she laugh? 
A. The poet's mother laughs at the photograph and dresses the wear in the photograph.

Q. Who are Betty and Dolly?
A. Betty and Dolly are sisters of the poet's mother.

Q. Name the figure of speech used in the last line of the stanza. Define it well.
A. Oxymoron figure of speech is used in the last line of stanza "with labored ease of loss".
   Oxymoron: It is a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an effect

Q. What do you infer with the word 'wry'?
A. The world 'wry' here means disappointed. Both of them are disappointed and dejected over their loss.

Now she's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ silences.

Q. How many years have passed since the poet's mother died? 
A. Approximately 12 years have passed since the poet's mother died. 

Q. Why is there nothing to say about the death of the poet's mother?
A. The poet remarks that she has nothing to say about the instance of her mother's death because it is a silence, an absence that speaks for itself. Loss has a presence of its own, it makes itself conspicuous by its absence and this can only be felt by one who has suffered such a loss.

Q. What do you understand with the phrase "this circumstance"? 
A. "This circumstance" refers to the situation of the poet after the 12 years on the death of his mother after seeing the photograph.

Q. Name the figure of speech in the last line of stanza and define as well.
A. Personification and alliteration figures of speech used in the last line of the stanza.
   Personification: Giving human qualities to objects and animals.
   Alliteration: Reputation of sound or same letter at the beginning of the words that are close together.
